Yes I am Pro Life

The day after Scotty was born, I looked at him, and tried to figure out how he fit in my body. I was amazed at this mystery. When I had Chantel and Danielle, I spent more time enjoying their life in me. Thinking this would help me understand.
It didn’t! What I do understand is that each time I learned I was pregnant, I understood there was life in me.

A baby’s heart begins to beat 22 days after conception. A woman hasn’t even missed her period at this time, and so she won’t know she is pregnant. When she does miss her period, she will take a pregnancy test. Although, she can find out as early as 8 days after conception.

After this, development moves along quickly. Most abortions are done between 8-13 weeks.

8-13 weeks
Beating heart
Nervous system
Spinal cord
Hormone glands
Baby can wiggle limbs
Gender is confirmed
Baby can feel touch/pain

Abortion is legal and there is no doubt that we kill babies! The baby we kill can feel it’s death. The baby has a gender. The baby’s heart is beating. The baby’s brain and spine is working.

I’m tired of hearing the oppositions arguments.

Yes a woman has a right to choose if she wants to be a mom. Tell her to
choose before sex not after!

Less then 1% of abortions are done to save the mothers life.

1% of abortions are because of rape or incest

The rest are done for various reasons.

Notice my argument is void of God’s law. Done for a reason. Too many times the opposition argues to keep State and Religion separated. So I am.

Just looking at the facts as they are, we can all agree that life begins,
If not at conception, when the heart beats. Certainly we all understand that a baby feels itself dying. Clearly we understand this is a baby with a heart, brain, limbs and spine.

Abortion is legal filicide!

And if we remain quiet- we allow it to continue and stand just as guilty!

Michele Beck