But even the archangel Michael, when he was disputing with the devil about the body of Moses, did not himself dare to condemn him for slander but said, “The Lord rebuke you!”

Jude 1:9


Have you seen the movie, “The Interview”? I have to be honest, I didn’t even know about it and all the controversy surrounding it until I saw it on Facebook. That is sad, but true. It is for that reason, I have downloaded NBC News to my phone. I figured that was the only way I would train myself to pay attention to news. But getting back to the movie, have you seen it? Do you plan on seeing it? I’ve seen the trailer, and I have to admit I am interested in seeing it. It looks funny. Now it is funny because Kim Jong-un is not our leader. However, I do understand why Kim Jong-un isn’t too happy about it. It is a film which pokes holes in all of his stories, and shows a plot to kill him.


Each time I think I will download the film, or watch it, the above verse just pops right into my head. I really do understand why, and so I would like to just share with you what I believe it is saying.


God knows that Kim Jong-un is making outlandish statements. God knows what he says, and what he does. Does God need any of us to point it out to Him? No, and the argument can be made that this is not the intention of the film. It isn’t. But….it does border on disrespect and that disrespect is directed towards North Korea’s leader. Now, how would we like it if a country wrote this movie about President Obama? Would we laugh or call them racist? What if they wrote the movie about Billy Graham, or the Pope? It wouldn’t be so funny then, and we would be upset.


I think that when it comes the leaders of other countries, we need to remember to be respectful of the people who live in that country. I believe that when it comes to leaders we need to be careful on what we say about them, and how we portray them to others.  If they are evil, we pray to God, and let God take care of them. God chooses who is in authority, and some leaders are in place so God can teach us. There isn’t a leader today who got where there behind God’s back.


With that in mind, then I think today’s verse serves to all of us as a warning. In Jude’s letter he is writing specifically about the sin and doom of ungodly people. He is appalled that they heap abuse on celestial beings. (no I am not inferring that Kim Jong-un is celestial) But we do have people heaping abuse on leaders. Jude then mentions a time when the devil, and Michael the archangel are disputing over the body of Moses. Michael stands before God, and still doesn’t bring a charge against the devil or rebukes him. Michael acknowledges that, that right belongs to God alone. Now if Michael won’t bring a charge against the devil, should we be bringing charges against others? No, and that is the point to this blog tonight.


As we say goodbye to 2014 and welcome the New Year 2015. I believe that God is calling us, His children, to step out and live by higher standards. I believe that God wants us to learn  how to care for one another, stamp out oppression, care for the poor, forgive one another, love always and show mercy. I believe He wants us to spend our time thinking about those things. I’m not saying you are wrong or you sinned if you saw the movie. I get it, the previews are funny. I am just saying, that I believe God wants us to learn how to be more like Jesus. Jesus stood before leaders who seriously thought they had the power to do to Him, whatever they wanted. Jesus knew better and remained quiet.


There are many leaders in our world, and God established each of them. (Romans 13:1) Who are we to bring a charge against them?


Something to think about as the new year comes in.


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